Impaired by marijuana
October 31, 2024

By Southampton Criminal Lawyers
Thirty-three states, including Southampton, NY, have changed their laws regarding marijuana. It’s still illegal everywhere to drive impaired by the drug. According to studies, marijuana can slow your reaction time, impair judgment and distance, and decrease coordination, which are essential when you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle.
In recent years, drug-impaired driving has become a major highway safety issue. According to a NHTSA study, from 2007-2013 there was a 48% increase in weekend nighttime drivers who tested positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the chemical responsible for marijuana’s psychological effects.
If you’ve used marijuana in Southampton, or any other impairing substance, don’t get behind the wheel. Instead, here are some tips for getting home safely.
Pass the keys to a sober driver who can safely drive you to your final destination. It is never okay to drive while impaired by any substance.
Take the keys away from a friend who is about to drive while impaired by drugs, and arrange to get them home safely. Don’t worry about offending someone—they’ll thank you later.
You should consult with a lawyer in Southampton NY who is experienced in driving while impaired by marijuana cases. Southampton cannabis lawyers.