Southampton Town Justice Court
Southampton Town Justice Court
Justice Court
All adjournment requests must be faxed.
The date on the ticket bottom is not a court date and due to Covid please mail in the not guilty plea. It may take up to a year to receive a court date.
Email questions to Justice Court:
Town Justices
Presiding over one of New York State’s busiest local courts, Southampton’s four town justices are assisted by a team of clerks, stenographers, and language interpreters. Each judge is elected to a term of four years, and serves on a rotating monthly basis to hear a variety of cases affecting a broad spectrum of laws.
- Hon. Patrick J. Gunn
Term expires December 2025 - Hon. Gary J. Weber
Term expires December 2023
- Hon. Karen M. Sartain
- Hon. Adam Grossman
Contact Southampton Town Justice Court
Location: 32 Jackson Ave.
Hampton Bays, NY 11946
DirectionsPh: 631-702-2990
Fx: 631-728-2954Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Arraignments
Saturday - Sunday
Starting at 9:00 a.m.Jacqueline McKay
Defending The Rights of Fishermen on East Hampton's 'Truck Beach' April 2022

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